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"How can you know in three days?"

Steve Carrell stars in the movie Dan in Real Life as a father falling in love and makes a statement that has now become more profound than ever to me. He says (talking of love), "And how can you know in three days? Well, no... yes I do. I love her."

I have fallen in love with Northern Ireland, and it has only been a few days. The people, the atmosphere, the land, the fact that I see the Lord everywhere I go---it has all made me immensley thankful and awestruck at the fact that I am even here. Nothing seems real and I fear it won't until I'm back home, but I can say with confidence that I will live every day here like it is my first. But let's calm down with the mushy stuff for awhile and focus on what's been happening on my journey thus far.


So far my past week has been a week of "firsts". First time on a plane by myself, first time to Europe, first Uber ride, first bus ride, etc. Basically any form of transportation has been completely foreign to me. My flights went incredibly smooth considering there where so many of them and I had the fortune of sitting by lovely people. First there was Phil, and I'm sure by the name you already know everything you need to know about him. Sweet old man--tough on the outside, teddy bear on the inside. Next, I was in-between Michelle (18-year-old from England), and Roy (retired casino worker that travels the world with his wife and is missing a front tooth). I was truly blessed by Roy because he talked to me as if I was an old friend---giving me advice, asking me about my studies, and finally wishing me a blessed life. He was a fellow believer, and I cannot wait to see darling Roy again someday with the Father. Finally, and this is the craziest, I got on my flight from London to Belfast and ended up sitting by sweet Charlotte whom I found out through conversation was a foreign exchange student from Switzerland also on her way to attend Stranmillis with me. I can say with great ease that her and I will be friends for awhile. She was a blessing sent from the Lord to make me feel comfortable in a new and weird environment and was also the one to find the Uber. God bless Uber and God bless Charlotte.

On "Holiday"

All of the international students arrived before the rest of the students to be able to get accommodated and a little more used to the surroundings, seeing as we are all foreign to it. For the past 4 days I have been able to explore and really be a tourist before I have to become a student. So basically I have been on vacation or "holiday" as they call it here.

The first full day that I had I went with a group of girls to the city centre to be able to get more of a grasp on the city that we will be living in for the next three months. Some of the girls wished to shop but me and my new friend Lea (blonde beauty from Denmark with a heart of gold) decided we wanted to explore rather than shop (that will come later, don't you worry). So that day I rode my first double-decker bus, used foreign currency, and got to experience the city life that this country girl will be living in.

On the second day in Belfast some of the international students went to the Autumn Fair being held in the Botanic gardens. That day I tried some Irish donuts (pictured below and HOLY COW THEY WERE AMAZING!) and also visited many different stands that were set up selling things like produce and homemade things. I bought some apples grown locally and they are wonderful. A small group of us then went to a huge greenhouse where I think I will someday be proposed to in (*cough cough* future husband out there---take note). It was absolutely breathtaking and the pictures will not do it justice. Finally we walked through part of the Ulster museum where I saw my first full dinosaur skeleton and then felt very small because of it. Very cool to say the least.

Now yesterday was a dream come true. Like imagine something you've dreamt of since you were a child and then everything actually being spot on perfect---that was my yesterday. It started off with going to a new church in downtown Belfast with two lovely girls. The church was celebrating opening their new building and actually had the American pastor who had planted the church there to celebrate with them. The coolest, most special part of the service was at the very end, when to celebrate everything that the church had done together, they opened a bottle of champagne and all drank a glass together (I know, "Drinking in a church?! The horror!"). It was so special though and so appropriate. They were not trying to get drunk but purely showing their excitement and unity through a glass of the celebratory champagne. I loved it. It was actually quite uplifting and showed me the unity and family attitude of the church. The real dream come true was my next adventure of the day. My friend Lea (blonde beauty mentioned earlier) planned the whole endeavor. A group of seven or so of us traveled to Cave Hill Country Park to go hiking. You guys, this was quite possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Green upon green upon green. Mountains, hills, trees, bushes, the ocean, caves, I'm pretty sure I saw a goat...basically any picture in my head I had of Ireland coming in was completely coming to fruition. At one point I was sitting on the top of the mountain eating an Irish grown apple on the softest grass I have ever sat on. This was the dream. All I could do was praise God for giving me this gift. I don't deserve it, but He is so good and such a caring Father of our dreams to have given it to me. The pictures are below, get ready to drool.

To End...

Just like Steve Carrell I knew in three days that I had fallen in love. My American-ness sticks out like a sore thumb, I don't understand the different coins used here, I ask silly questions that everyone should know on an hourly basis, and I still don't know how the bus routes work, but I have fallen in love with this place quicker than I think I've fallen in love with anything else. I cannot wait to share my good days, a few of my bad days, and of course all of my "American blunders" with all of you. Just know that this is a gift from God and I intend to love these people just as He does.

With a wee bit of love,


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